Sunday, September 4, 2011

42 and the start of school!

Does that rhyme?

We've made it to more than 40 followers... was hoping for more by the time school started but that monkey wrench Irene, messed up my plans. But we are back at it now....

So a couple things I have coming up, the big one being...

1.)TUESDAY is school day! (Reminder that we've had no prep, no pre-year meetings about kids, nothing....really deep end of the pool feet first...I'm sure that post will be hysterical.

2.) Student teacher... she starts Tuesday too! I've never had a student teacher so....let the learning curve begin (I did mentor a 1st year teacher last year....)

3.) and settling up my give away on Flair pens, more on that whole shenanigan in a minute!

4.) A blog post on my Must Read Teacher Books!

Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend, and ready for back to school if you're a late kid like me! Thanks for sticking it out with my guys, it's been a loooooonnng week. Certainly not how I wanted to end my summer vacation, but trying to relax it out now before the onslaught!